This year 28th March falls on Sunday. The few days before Sunday, Harris had been reminding our girl…. “Nada, nanti birthday Mommy… Nada nyanyi to-yu okay…”
On Saturday the 27th , we had the first dinner outing at Manhattan Fish, just the three of us and a little Chocolate Mud Pie for dessert made Dew singing “to-yu, to-yu, to-yu” This marked my first day celebration.
The little Chocolate Mud Pie ice-cream cake.
See how 'cool' I was enjoying my dessert.
She decided that she had to make an important call to Tokyo in the middle of our dinner to check on Nikkei !!!
The day 28th March started early morning with my Subuh prayer praising to Allah s.w.t with all greatness that He has lend me thus far. A husband whom has so much patience, a daughter whom means everything to me, other family members whom always plays a part in my story. A career that I like…..though at times it does strangle my neck. The fact I am able to contribute to the family well being by having a career on my own, I am just so grateful. How can I resist these two LOVE ?
We had planned for a family day out to International Book Fair at PWTC. Nothing starts for us unless we have a good breakfast, off we went to KRB Ampang Water Front after getting readied. I had the weekend favorite – Mee Kari. What I like about the curry mee serves for breakfast there is it’s portion. Medium scale : the ration of mee – tauhu – chicken – kerang – vegetables are perfectly sized for my breakfast level and the curry is yummy. A nicely do breakfast will ensure my smile at least for half a day.
Even though the day was still early, we guessed crowd in PWTC was surely packed judging from the lines of busses being parked at roadsides. I thought we would need to spend hours to look for a car park space, but the luck was on our side when we got one so near to the shopping entrance instantly after entering The Mall Basement.
She went to Book Fair in style.
While we were touring the fair, my cousin Nslave called me. As soon as I picked up the call, high pitch voice almost like chipmunks sang me : "Happy Birthday to YOU! hAPPY bIRTHday to YOU!......" Awwwwww.... those were my two little cousin niece and nephew. That was so sweet and I was delighted.
It was a satisfactory event for me with books and books and books every where. The only part that I don’t really like was when being harassed by salespersons of those early child education programs. You name it… Grolier, Scholastic what evah!… Not that I do not believe in all these media for early child education, but I solely do not agree when people put it as if I have to depend on them to ensure my child turn out brilliant, to be like Mr Astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Al Masrie or Mr Tony Fernandez for that matter. (Apsal la mek pilih dua nama tu….)
“Kak…. Akak kena guna program ni…. Orang semua dah pakai sekarang ni. Nanti anak akak ketinggalan kalau akak tak beli dan guna program yang kami buat ni……….” Cheh! Please put it some other way la..
A salesperson kept nagging and telling me how a child may master English by watching their CD’s when he spoke English tunggang-terbalik, no better than me. I was about to tell him – May be you should watch the CD and learn your pronunciation well. However, since it was my birthday… I decided to be a gracious lady and not some bacul bitch. (Thank you to the good breakfast, kalo mek lapar……. Keluar tanduk!)
We then made our way to Jalan TAR as I wanted to get some stuff for my tailoring projects. You see, I may look and sound rough but ribbons, lace, little satin flowers could melt my heart. I felt like sleeping in Bunga & Riben shop which is full with wonderful colors. If I couldn’t have a Baby Products shop, I want to own a shop that sells ribbons.. Heh! Heh!
After getting hold of what I wanted at Bunga & Riben, five design selection of cheapsket fabric at Nagoya, two sets of Noevelle bed sheets at Sogo and sepinggan penuh Nasi Beriani at Insaf…. It was already close to 4pm and we headed home just in-time for Zohor prayers yang dah nak habis waktu!
Dew was asleep once we were home, so Harris and I had a quiet time to conclude our part time job of a bungalow renovation before the big event at night. Could she was awake, she would want to join signing and folding the plans too. The fact that Harris and I were collaborating and co-operating with each other for the job really gives me the sense of satisfaction. I hope one day we’ll achieve of what we both always dream of.
The tickets. Check out the book... I still have my Matriculation books nicely kept.. more than 15 years, ok!
Cik Ani the Nanny came over to our house close to 7pm to look after Dew while Harris and I went out for our night date at Amy’s Suatu Masa concert. It has been SSSSOOOOOOO long since only Harris and I went out together to have some fun. The loving Harris treated me extra nice and I am extremely a lucky women.
I wouldn’t say Amy’s musical concert was the best concert I had watched……. but surely it was an entertaining one.
Somehow….. I do not know, it was either the concert or may be Amy himself, reminds me so much of my own brother…. Mohd Safari Nasir.
May be it was because of the story line which narrated Amy’s life line being an entertainer from the darkness in the early until now that some lights had shone.
May be my brother has some resemblance of Amy physically. Yes, my brother is totally a good looking man only if hadn’t lost much weight for the last 17 years.
By end of the concert, my thought was all to my brother. I hope and pray he will lead a good life at present and on. Now that my silence promise to myself to buy my mami a house is fulfilled, I made another promise to myself……… I want to support my brother in all my might for the success in whatever he’ll do.
.............. to be continued
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